This is a beautiful and creative lighting design under the Gurbatı Bridge that encompasses many aspects of industrial design and lighting architecture. From an aesthetic point of view, the combination of the crystal light of the chandelier with its reflection in the water creates a surreal and poetic atmosphere. The lighting design is done in such a way that it gives the feeling of entering a magnificent interior in an open environment. The contrast between the classical architectural structures of the bridge and the luxury of the chandelier creates a dreamy and cozy atmosphere. The inspiration for this lighting probably comes from artists such as “René Magritte”, who worked by playing on the contradictions of reality and imagination.

In terms of function and application, in addition to the aesthetic aspects, this type of lighting is also used to create a new feeling in public spaces. The use of a chandelier in an unexpected place encourages users to pause and reflect, providing a calm and effective atmosphere for visitors. The reflection of light in the water also doubles the visual perspective and makes clever use of the natural reflectivity of water. This simple but effective mechanism diffuses the light in a way that does not require any changes to the bridge structure and is compatible with the natural environment.

From a Gestalt and design mechanism perspective, this lighting is an example of the law of “form and ground”, where the chandelier is placed as a prominent element (form) against the bridge and the natural environment (ground). The presence of the chandelier creates a space where nature and architecture seem to interact and harmonize. This design is similar to a part of a palace being taken into the heart of nature.


Brand: 11 Arx

Designers : Anna Delgiado, Alexandr Lomaev

Prize: LIT Lighting Design Award


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