Visually, the combination of RGBW colors and their distribution among 12 independent modules displays a sense of dynamism and movement of colors that can work attractively in different environments, whether industrial or artistic. The design is such that despite the large number of lights, it does not bother the eyes, and the smooth movement between colors well enhances the sense of pixelation. Inspiration from modern digital and even robotic technologies is clearly visible in this design, and it can be seen as similar to advanced visual systems such as LED walls used in public spaces and exhibitions.

In terms of functionality, the high flexibility of this product, especially in the individual control of each light in terms of light angles (zoom and tilt angle), has allowed it to be used in a completely adaptive way in different environments. This mechanical flexibility allows the user to use the product creatively and easily create complex three-dimensional and volumetric effects. For this reason, it can be said that this product is highly effective not only in the field of simple lighting but also in creating advanced visual effects such as exhibitions and theaters.

The movement and rotation mechanism in each light module adds a sense of flexibility to the design, reminiscent of similar movements in nature that can cover multiple angles simultaneously. At the same time, the linear arrangement and modular repetition of the lights create a kind of order and visual gestalt that brings to mind a strong sense of structure. The combination of these two elements (modular order and individual movement) is inspired by biological structures that, while being integrated, have independent components, similar to the spine or wings of insects that move independently but in harmony.

Brand : Chauvet Professional


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